Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is there a step by step instructions of wallet

Is there a step by step instructions of wallet, how to make a "cold" wallet with the raven core gui ? I'd like to still use my current wallet, but create a new one, one address, and save it to safe place and move most of my rvn into it. So that if my pc…
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What is the difference between transaction and transfer fees?

title submitted by /u/Olli917 [link] [comments]

Another South African Company Reveals Plans to List a Crypto ETF on Local Stock Exchange

Fresh reports from South Africa suggest another local company, Sygnia, is set to apply to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) to list a new cryptocurrency exchange-traded fund (ETF). This application will be the second time Sygnia has attempted to list the crypto ETF. A similar application in 2017 was rejected by JSE on grounds that […]

NFT Spam???

Where did all these NFTs come from? A couple months ago i got a series of 0RVN hits. Today I typed my address into the asset explorer and found that they were all NFT assets. Each one a simple Icon. I never requested or asked for these. Anyone get NFT spammed? Im still wrapping my…
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MEW wallet keeps crashing on every device.

Anyone else getting this when opening MEW Wallet, or is it just me? submitted by /u/dchurch2444 [link] [comments]

Moons are great, but…

First off, I want to start this post by saying that moons are great, but I don’t like the method of distribution. From what I understand, you get moons from upvoting. Moons cost money, so therefore, upvoting = money. Although they don’t cost much, I’ve seen what they can do to people living in some…
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Uniswap deploys V3 contracts to four Ethereum testnets

The world’s leading DEX has taken a big step toward launching its third iteration by deploying its contracts to all four of Ethereum’s testnets.

Kyber Network Crystal (KNC) Token Upgrade & Migration Guide

submitted by /u/ShaneMkt [link] [comments]

Is there anyway to make passive income with RVN?

I know you can't stake RVN, but is there any way to earn interest on it? submitted by /u/swivaljaw [link] [comments]

ICO fraudster pleads guilty to $7m Covid-relief loan scam

An ICO fraudster spent more than $7 million in fraudulently obtained covid relief on luxury personal expenses, including a Rolex, a luxury apartment, and a new Mercedes.