Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Simple steps to safeguard your wallet from unlimited ERC-20 allowance risks

The funds in your ERC-20 wallet could be at risk if you continue to grant unlimited approvals to decentralized applications.

STOP posting how much you have invested!

There's a heap of new people joining this sub, a lot of whom are just starting out with crypto. I don't like being the person to tell people what to do, it is your money in the end, but the one bit of advice I have for EVERYONE is don't share how much you have…
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Is the Ethereum protocol exhibiting predatory behavior? A Wednesday morning hype thread.

It’s 1996. Google is two years from founding. Amazon is reselling books. Video streaming is possible, if you own a 56k modem, live in a major city, are rich, and possess the technical know how to complete the several steps. President Clinton is “[B]uilding that bridge to the year two-thasand.” Good old ‘96, Tupac has…
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Truly decentralized?

The insanity that happened this weekend when Chinese mining went offline is concerning to me. I believe fully in the decentralization aspect of crypto, but am genuinely worried about the influence a communist/authoritarian govt has on the crypto ecosystem. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is decentralization just a mirage? submitted by …
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ETH and BTC supply shortages on crypto exchanges

According to we have the following supply changes in the exchange wallets for the last 30 days: Price Supply delta [crypto] Supply delta [Bn USD] Supply delta as % of market cap BTC 55687.98 -44633 -2.49 -0.24% ETH 2310.55 -1953120 -4.51 -1.70% Take-aways: Both BTC and ETH exchange outflows far exceed inflows. If you…
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When will it get stable? The whole market is watching it and nothing is going to happen until it does. Sucks market is so bad right now. Does anyone think it’s possible the bear market is coming? I know lots of predictions until later this year but you never know.. submitted by /u/fournickel…
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New: Multisig transactions in Nano

Multi-signature in Nault is now available in web and desktop app! A full step-by-step Nault guide here And a live video demo ​ What is multisig? Multi-signature is a way for multiple participants to own one private key each and combining them in a way so that only one common account is used to…
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KAW KAW fellow Ravens! It is time to market this gem!

I will record a video about RVN and submit it here for further reviewal. submitted by /u/Party-Ad-9874 [link] [comments]

IOTA chrysalis update started today

Dear fellow IOTA-investors, just in case you don´t know, today started the IOTAs chrysalis update and will take place until the 29th of April. This means we are one step ahead of the long planned Coordicide. If you will migrate your tokens, don’t fall for scams, some people always try to use situations like that…
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Just an idea!

I was wondering, how much would artist Shadman charge to make a Raven art (character) wearing a Raven crypto shirt? We could get together and pay him in RVN. That would be a step in marketing that is so talked about in this forum. He loves to draw the character. ​ ​ ​…
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