Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

ETH/CTX incentivized pool is now live

submitted by /u/Brendan3005 [link] [comments]

Daml smart contract language creator raises $120M in Series D financing

The company behind Daml said it tripled its customer base in 2020, with half of the new business coming from outside the blockchain industry.

Any key pointers for a new buyer?

Last night I spent my work bonus and bought 1 ETH with the plan to buy in another $3K over the year. Feeling nauseous as this is my first big venture into crypto but I am confident about the currency after doing research. What should I do next, any pointers? Right now it's sitting on…
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Sent wrong crypto currency to ETH wallet

hello guys I'm new in crypto and today I wanted to transfer money from VET to ETH. I tried to do that through uniswap and sushi swap but I couldn't find VET. So I thought maybe I can transfer it directly through my trust wallet so I copied the receive ID of ETH and I…
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Baby Yoda is helping us get there guys

submitted by /u/CantStopAddicted2 [link] [comments]

Mining problem? rx 570 4gb

Hi, i have a rx 570 4gn. I'm mining ravencoin with unmineable software. On average I am mining 12 mh/s. If I use to calculate what I should be mining, it is very different from what I am actually mining and I don't understand why. Someone could help me? Thanks! ​ This is the…
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Curious on what is the good news that move ETH up a lot today?

Feel like I miss something obvious. I enjoy the price up though. submitted by /u/tontot [link] [comments]