Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

10 Great Crypto Research Sites and Tools

These are only some of my own favorites and there are many more out there. If I missed any or have some of your own recommendations, please share! CoinMarketCal: This website shows all upcoming events and future releases regarding a certain Cryptocurrency. Anyone can post an event and is dictated to be fact or not…
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Why is Ravencoin not dumping like BTC?: Because Ravencoin does whatever it wants to.

There was a recent post asking why RVN wasn't pumping with BTC and this is yet another example that RVN just does whatever. I don't know what that means but one day a combination of development and adoption of RVN will make it a top 20 project. Until then RVN just goes up and down…
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TeamRedMiner question

Just yesterday I configured teamredminer to mine ravencoin, only thing is that I am completely unable to control my gpu fans or any other performance settings in Radeon settings. Whereas with NiceHash I am able to fully control everything. Any idea what I’m doing wrong? submitted by /u/dakrath [link] [comments]

ENS Online Workshop 2021–1: Call for Participation

submitted by /u/brantlymillegan [link] [comments]

Optimistic Rollups: How They Work and Why They Matter

submitted by /u/DirksEarring [link] [comments]

Switcheo decentralized exchange Demex extends liquidity rewards for 6 months

CryptoNinjas » Switcheo decentralized exchange Demex extends liquidity rewards for 6 months Demex, a decentralized exchange platform recently launched by Switcheo, announced it is extending its liquidity rewards on the exchange for an additional 6 months. On Thursday, March, 11th, the on-chain proposal submitted by Switcheo core devs (with suggestions and feedback from the community) to…
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Here’s a little secret. The market didn’t dip because of the Indian news. Don’t fall into the trap of trying to find a narrative for every dip.

For veterans of this market, you've probably seen this movie before so many times. Heard all the stories, and heard all the excuses. From an April fools joke that was supposed to have caused the price to rise, to the old classic Chinese New Year. Let's dissect this one : The news story of the…
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