Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

New to metamask

I just recently started using metamask and I’ve never had any experience using ethereum before, I transferred my busd from the bsc to eth for about $10 but then I realised that the tokens that I wanted to buy on uniswap required a gas fee of around 85% of the money I had in my…
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Ever since you got your first Ether, which Dapps have you personally used? What is that Dapp all about?

Ever since you got your first Ether, which Dapps have you personally used? What is that Dapp all about? submitted by /u/pinoygs [link] [comments]

raven coin mining with few freinds

i just started mining raven coin with two friends now we know that ether is much more profitable to mine but we have hope that raven will multiply in price in the next few years our theory is that when ether 2.0 comes out a lot of ether miners will go mine raven thus raven…
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Daily Discussion – March 28, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Missing CRO?

Don't know if this is a good spot to post it – but is anyone else experiencing issues with migration tool on CDC? submitted by /u/BrownWasabi [link] [comments]

Farewell, ravencoin 😢

I was secretly mining ravencoin till my parents discovered me. From now I can't mine any ravencoin so, sadly, this is my end of this beautiful adventure. I wish I could still mining, but right now it is impossible. Farewell, mining community. PS: This does not mean I will not follow the latest movements in…
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Can the Ethereum virtual machine become infected with malware?

I don't mean if some malware could break out of the sandbox and infect and take over the host machines, I mean the actual Etherum virtual machine becoming infected with some malicious code that steals computing power or renders the entire blockchain unusable. submitted by /u/GumbelMiner [link] [comments]

Why does it cost no gas when I sent ETH from an Exchange to a Wallet or the other way around?

Can someone ELI5 why that is the case ? submitted by /u/FingersX [link] [comments]

Warning: Two FAKE Exodus Wallet apps were added to the Google Play Store on March 15th. They’re still available for download.

Here is the official Exodus Wallet App: Here are the scam apps. I've broken up the URL intentionally. Remove the spaces at your own risk: https://play. google .com/store/apps/details?id=com.exoduswallet.walletexodus https://play. google .com/store/apps/details? What you can do: The Google Play store doesn't allow users to review apps that they haven't downloaded. If you don't feel comfortable…
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Ethereum Mining

I found this eth miner on telegram if anyone wants to use. submitted by /u/Loshtradz [link] [comments]