Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Ethereum Token

So I just got into the crypto world and my heart lies with ETH. Currently I’m working toward my first full token and wanted to celebrate with a physical token. Has anyone purchased a physical ETH token? If so what are good options? I just thought it would be a fun thing to hold onto…
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ETC isn’t Ethereum.

submitted by /u/PeacockMamba [link] [comments]

‘Once in a While You Get Shown the Light’— Jerry Garcia Art to be Auctioned as an NFT for $1 Million

The now-deceased and former lead guitarist for the Grateful Dead, Jerry Garcia, will have a rare piece of his artwork sold as a non-fungible token (NFT) collectible asset. The NFT is a digital piece called “Gift” and is being sold by the Jerry Garcia Foundation, a nonprofit that supports “environmental, artistic and humanitarian causes through […] unveils EVM blockchain functionality and related fund

The new functionality will help smart contracts and applications from other blockchains transition over to the ecosystem.

A short view into the future: How blockchains will change our lives.

Most people here still don't realize how blockchain will fundamentally change how we live our lives. We argue whether we are early or late. I believe both are right. In terms of cryptocurrencies, we're not really early, but we're also not late. In terms of blockchain integration into into our lives, we are super early.…
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Imagine the drug dealers of 2013 walking out of prison to all these gains this year

Yea yea drug = bad , crypto = good But have you guys ever wondered about the dude who was locked up for 10 years and came back to his wallet that he had tucked away for a decade only to find out he’s a multi millionaire! Well if he’s(or she)out there , it’s funny…
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Square Revenues Triple, Fueled By Bitcoin Purchases

Square, Inc. (SQ) reported first quarter 2021 earnings this week, and the company revenues vastly surpassed the analyst’s expectations. Quarterly revenues to start the year came in at over $5B USD, compared to average analyst projections anticipated $3.37B. In the last quarter of 2020, the company purchased $50M worth of BTC, and followed that purchase […]

Can you help me see if it’s possible if I can get my money back?

Was told to post this to get anyone's help… SUMMARY: Tried swapping USDC for ETH on Trust Wallet using the DEX option on the app. The USDC was from my account and was successfully transferred to my Trust Wallet account. Using DEX, I tried doing a USDC for ETH swap (approximately $980 USD)…it took…
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High fees

I'm looking at experimenting in DeFi with some liquid pools. I'm thinking just doing USDC and dai. Was thinking it would be best to do it on pancake/ape swap or quick swap on matic due to lower fees. Is this right? If I'm only say putting 50$ into a liquid pool I can't afford to…
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Broken Parabola: Mapping Out The Bitcoin Bull Market And More

Bitcoin price has been hanging around the mid-to-high $50,000 range for weeks now, with neither side – bears or bull – making any headway. The sideways action has resulted in a break in the recent parabola, but the typical downside reaction hasn’t arrived. When comparing past bull market cycles and their pausing points using a […]