Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

US Senator Elizabeth Warren Bashes Cryptocurrencies Citing Environmental Impact, Investor Protections

US Senator Elizabeth Warren sees several issues with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. She said that “we need a good strong regulatory agency that can continue to update,” claiming that cryptocurrencies invite “investors to come in without the ordinary protections of the transparency and disclosures and auditing.” Elizabeth Warren Bashes Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies Elizabeth Warren, […]

Effects of dapps, widespread adaptation of Ethereum on the price of ETH

In listening to Vitalik Buterin speak on Ethereum and the scope of it beyond buying and holding as currency, I'm wondering how mainstreaming the tech will effect the price? Thinking of BTC as a store of wealth and people buying in sending up the price, makes easy sense. People, businesses, organizations adapting Ethereum to run…
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Bitcoin’s upcoming Taproot upgrade and why it matters for the network

The upcoming Taproot activation stands to potentially make the Bitcoin ecosystem more user-friendly as well as secure.

Can anyone explain me what is going on ?

submitted by /u/MrAndreaT [link] [comments]

Impact of Bitmain’s Upcoming ASIC Ethereum miners on mining difficulty going up and mainly Ethereum Prices[DISCUSSION]

The title pretty much says it all, I want to hear your opinions on the impact of ASIC miners on the price of Ethereum. I mean technically, it shouldn't have much impact on the prices because the number of ether that can be mined per year is locked and so supply shouldn't increase and as…
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Product idea: crowdfunded conditional escrowed funds to incentivize positive action

Token holders can start & add to funds that get distributed to [business/entity] when [condition(s)] are met by [date]. Funds sit in escrow account. If conditions met by date, fund goes to recipient, else return to funders. Examples- 100,000 fans of Rick and morty fund a pool of $500,000 that goes to production crew if…
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Ethereum spike to 3.8k

Too many sell wall and eth goes back to 3.5k. Sad submitted by /u/Choice-Group-5322 [link] [comments]

Interested to know more about DeFi?

DeFi has been making noise in the crypto industry these past few years due to its advanced technology. It removed the middlemen – traditional banks – and allowed users to interact with each other through its protocols. But, not everyone is aware of what DeFi is or are still confused of what is does. This…
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On Binance how to create a new ETH address

Really simple question, sorry I couldn't figure out a better place. I see my deposit address on Binance in But I want to get a new address. On Coinbase this is possible, so I would think Binance allows several as well. But since I don't see any buttom to press or anything, I get…
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