Algorand and CEO Steve Kokinos invited to speak at the Digital Money Institute’s 2021 Symposium, alongside HSBC, Accenture, MIT, Stanford University, and many other industry leaders!
submitted by /u/wd761gbc241 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/wd761gbc241 [link] [comments]
The manic fervor around NFTs is reaching a fever pitch. People are searching for the term "NFT" in droves, more often even than "Ethereum". The draw of NFTs is bringing people to cryptocurrency who otherwise never would have been interested, which is positive. But that's also a lot of people buying NFTs who don't know…
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Let’s relive the events have that marked the Argentine crypto space since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and hear the opinions of those in the industry that lived them from the inside.
submitted by /u/rey_miller [link] [comments]
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Hey there, I'm a miner at Lucky Blocks We are looking to expand our mining hash rate. If you have questions or want to shoot the shit with us, join the discord! submitted by /u/FaceToPie [link] [comments]
It is not a brand new shitcoin by any means. It is a platform called Emblem Vault which allows you to create a sort of ‘vault’ which can contain and allow you to trade “as many tokens as you want at the same time” and this extends to both NFTs and crypto coins. So for…
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Hello, Title pretty much explains it all. I try to restore my desktop wallet on my phone using the 12 word seed. But the official app and exodus show a balance of 0 after syncing with the blockchain. Why is that? I tried rescanning, redoing the setup etc.. is it not possible to use the…
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submitted by /u/ElVerdaderoArgento [link] [comments]
Single secret leader election is a cryptographic primitive that is very useful for PoS. It allows the PoS protocol to select exactly one block proposer per slot, with the property that only the proposer knows when they are going to propose. It's easy to get one of those properties without the other. If you want…
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