Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is the world is selling DOGE and buying ETH?

DOGE has dropped hard in the last hour with a sharp increase in ETH. If the world really is going to dump DOGE today with Elon’s show coming up, it could be a wild night! submitted by /u/CryptoAllianceComics [link] [comments]

Raven solo mining ?

Hi guys how long would it take with a rtx 3090 + rx 590 + 3060 + 2070s To find a block with the actual difficulty is it possible to Solomine ? submitted by /u/No_Care82 [link] [comments]


Is there going to be a dip? I know no one can know for sure. But if it does dip, what are we looking at -20%? I'm just trying to find an entry point. submitted by /u/zor11111111 [link] [comments]

No resistance left!

submitted by /u/spreadzz [link] [comments]

I have yet another crypto trading algorithm for you guys. This one is able to analyse how volatile every coin on Binance is and place a trade when during a strong bullish movement

Had a lot of fun with with one, and I'm happy to share the code with you guys. So the algorithm is essentially listening to price changes in the last 5 minutes for all the coins on Binance. Once it detects that some coins have moved by more than 3% in the last 5 minutes,…
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VORTECS Report: NewsQuakes boost DOGE hype, while TEL score rings a bell for traders

As the world waits for Elon Musk’s Saturday Night Live appearance — and a possible nod to crypto’s best friend — an exchange listing proves that real news can also propel DOGE to new heights.

This is James. He wanted to steal my crypto. So I tracked his IP and had some fun.

tl;dr: I like messing with scammers who contact me after seeing me on this sub. I did it, for example, with Paul and martins by name (just look at my top posts, I can't link them for some reason). I convinced this guy that he was being scammed by someone else and tracked his IP…
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Elon Musk Sees Dogecoin as ‘Stimulus for People Kicked by Pandemic’ but Says ‘Please Invest With Caution’

Spacex and Tesla CEO Elon Musk sees dogecoin as his “private stimulus for the people” that represents “legit hope for people” hit by the coronavirus pandemic. While the price of dogecoin has been pumping alongside a number of other cryptocurrencies, Musk cautioned, “Cryptocurrency is promising, but please invest with caution.” Elon Musk Sees Dogecoin as […]

Where can I buy a small amount of ethereum as a gift?

I’m trying to gift someone about $50 worth of ethereum, but I don’t know where to get it. Normally I would use binance US but they don’t let you withdraw less the 0.02 ETH. submitted by /u/GlucoseGallonGamer [link] [comments]

What network do I need to use to transfer Ethereum from Binance to Trust Wallet? ERC20?

submitted by /u/Zealousideal_Yam2151 [link] [comments]