Should i Stake my ETH for ETH 2.0?
Thanks in advance for answers. submitted by /u/Schwabenstern [link] [comments]
Thanks in advance for answers. submitted by /u/Schwabenstern [link] [comments]
I get it. When you invest, you probably invest to make money. That's the goal and usually the only goal. But it's worth considering that you're not just making money off a particular project, you're also supporting the particular vision that project entails. If you're a decent person, there's a line you (hopefully) wouldn't cross.…
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Thanks in advance for answering my noob question. I wanted to start playing around in Uniswap and other dexes so I moved some USDC into a wallet address, but now I just want to get it out. To do anything, I seem to need eth, including converting it to eth. I've tried connecting to various…
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The People’s Bank of China’s upcoming digital yuan card will feature IDEX Biometrics and fingerprint scanning, according to regional reports. China’s “Digital Currency Electronic Payment” or DCEP is getting closer toward launch by the day. Last week, smart card manufacturer Chutian Dragon and IDEX Biometrics announced the companies are working on a digital yuan payments […]
submitted by /u/loveYouEth [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/kitisgreat [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/Accomplished-Share90 [link] [comments]
Would a rig with 4 1050ti's, 1 1060 4gb and an rx480 4gb be good for ravencoin mining? submitted by /u/NovatoSp00ky [link] [comments]
With a value of nearly $58 billion, ADA has flipped Tether in the market cap rankings.
I've been trying to mine Ethereum all night, in the first our I made like 10$ but over the entire night (like 8-9 hours) I only made 15$. Now I'm lucky if I made a 1$ an hour. Does anyone know why this is? I'm using Ethermine pool and the lolminer. 106mh/s submitted by…
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