Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Daily Discussion – March 20, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Coinbase fined $6.5 Million over trading irregularities

submitted by /u/shokusakabee [link] [comments]

If You’re Sick of 90% of the Posts Here, Then Maybe it’s Just You, Not the Sub.

I've heard so many complaints on this Sub, and that's only natural with humanity, but lately within the last week I've heard… I'm sick of seeing moon farming posts I'm Sick of seeing life story posts I'm Sick of seeing people shill post their coins I'm Sick of seeing Youtube technical Analysis I'm Sick of…
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Hey mom I finally sold an ambient modular synth NFT from my NFT EP. ::blank stare::

submitted by /u/drumoperator [link] [comments]

Exchange for ETH to RVN

Hey guys! Trying to get into the ravencoin world. Does anyone know where I can exchange my eth to rvn? I've checked a couple popular exchanges but they always tell me they "can't get the exchange rate right now" or something like that. submitted by /u/Ostrich-Neck [link] [comments]

raven is good !!!!

crypto changes lives !! ✌️🗣👂 submitted by /u/FaithlessnessEvery98 [link] [comments]

Help with 3060 Mining

Hey im started mining ETH today with my 3060 and installed the beta driver that has no hashrate limit. I overclock the 3060 ( +1500MHz Memory Clock Power Limit 80%) when i apply the overclock in msi afterburner i get around 49-50 MH/s. But in like 4 minutes it drops down to 39 MH/s and…
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Price analysis 3/19: BTC, ETH, BNB, ADA, DOT, XRP, UNI, LTC, LINK, BCH

Several altcoins are moving to new all-time highs as bulls struggle to lift Bitcoin price above $60,000.

Why does Ravencore wallet sync.

Hi. new here and Id love to understand why my ravencore wallet takes 5 hours to synchronize with the network and what does that actually mean, what is the wallet doing? submitted by /u/Conan4President [link] [comments]