Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Gas fees were collected but didn’t receive tokens

I am trying to resolve an issue. I swapped for another coin using 1inch for the first time. I had enough ETH to cover the gas fees and extra if things were to exceed what was expected. The gas fees were confirmed and collected from my Meta wallet and the gas usage was under the…
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Thermal paste

I have been using my 1050ti as a 5th gpu for some time now. Asus. It was always the hottest running gpu. 75C. I finally decised to void warranty cause its a 1050ti and re dis the thermal paste. Now im running 10C LOWER than wver before. I always have 1660 Phoenix by Asus and…
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Alpha Finance Lab launches oracle aggregator with data from Band Protocol and Chainlink

CryptoNinjas » Alpha Finance Lab launches oracle aggregator with data from Band Protocol and Chainlink Alpha Finance Lab, a DeFi Lab and on a mission to build an ecosystem of DeFi products, today announced it has launched the ‘Alpha Oracle Aggregator’ with data from two of the largest data oracles providers, Band Protocol and Chainlink,…
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Can LUNA Reach $170? This VC Fund Thinks It Has The Fundamentals

The Rockaway Blockchain Fund (RBF) has published a bullish case on Terra (LUNA) and its growing ecosystem. This project has been gaining a lot of attention in the crypto space and its price reflects the hype with an 8,809% rally in the 1-year chart. At the time of writing, LUNA moves sideways in the lower […]

African crypto exchange registers $3.2B in transactions ahead of global expansion

After a successful run in Nigeria, Quidax announces global expansion plans and the launch of its native token, QDX.

Shiba Inu Gets Listed in Binance and FTX After Price Skyrockets

Shiba Inu, an Ethereum based Dogecoin ripoff, has been listed in two important cryptocurrency exchanges today, Binance and FTX, after the price skyrocketed more than 1500% during last week. Binance has faced stiff criticism for listing Shiba Inu due to its origin, but their systems are now overwhelmed with inflows coming with this currency. Shiba […]

Not every new coin is a shitcoin: How to spot the real GEMS inside the sea of shitcoins.

A few days ago, I made a post titled "Rugpulls and Honeypots. What they are and how you can avoid them." Since then I got a lot of messages from people asking me how they can tell the difference between a new coin with lots of potential and a shitcoin. For maximum protection, make sure…
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iExec RLC rallies 400% after big-name collaborations and Coinbase listing

Major exchange listings and real-world collaborations with Google and IBM sparked a 400% rally in the price of RLC.

$200 in gas fees, transaction failed, all lost

Does someone want to explain this to me? How can I lose everything and gain nothing? It cost me fuckin $200 in gas fees and I literally got nothing. submitted by /u/Iceraven286 [link] [comments]