Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Please for the love of God, there no need to tell people about missed opportunities. Everyone is completely aware that if they’d have invested X amount into X coin – they’d be rich….

I understand that smart investment decisions are gold mines, and timing the market correctly is golden. That being said, reminding people about how much they would've made if they invested X amount of dollars in a certain project then, only leads to people making poor financial decisions now. Believe me, I would've loved to keep…
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Will a low gas fee for a transaction stay pending forever?

I'm wondering if a transaction will eventually cancel out if it stays in pending too long? submitted by /u/Hammerparty [link] [comments]

Not sure, need clarification

Im not sure is something wrong here or am I just stupid, but the GPU thats giving me a headache is GPU1, first it took my awhile to get it stable to play nice with others, then i figured out there is a possible issue. GPU is giving out MH but the pool is empty,…
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Ethstaker Community Call: Ethereum PoW and PoS merge

Recently, the ethstaker folk organized a community call about the upcoming Ethereum merge. You can watch the whole call here: ​ First: Ethereum development is distributed and ever-changing. There is no all-powerful cabal of developers. This can make development appear messy at times. Roadmaps and plans change, features are chopped up and delivered later,…
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Four Important Facts About NFTs That Buyers Should Know

The manic fervor around NFTs is reaching a fever pitch. People are searching for the term "NFT" in droves, more often even than "Ethereum". The draw of NFTs is bringing people to cryptocurrency who otherwise never would have been interested, which is positive. But that's also a lot of people buying NFTs who don't know…
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A year into the pandemic: How Argentina's economy struggled while its crypto ecosystem flourished

Let’s relive the events have that marked the Argentine crypto space since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and hear the opinions of those in the industry that lived them from the inside.

Daily Discussion – March 21, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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