Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Something is wrong in my country.

Was just sitting at my couch, watching my retro TV with my pizza and beers as always, when I heard one guy speaking about investing in general and the discussion came to cryptocurrency. He’s got nice tuxedo, conditioned hair, teeth were kinda like popcorn etc etc.. all things that typical big brain talker wants to…
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‘Arrow’ Star Katie Cassidy Auctions Off Her Nude Photos as NFTs Starting at $18K

submitted by /u/Siamak71 [link] [comments]

OKEx Korea crypto exchange to shut down as new reporting laws take effect

OKEx Korea announced that it’s shutting down as South Korean authorities prepare to enforce a new regulatory framework for the crypto industry on Thursday.

Why do RVN transactions take so long (too many confirmations)?

There's probably something about blockchain I don't understand here. When I try to transfer eth, it requires only 12 confirmations and shows up in my wallet in less than a minute. When sending a few thousand rvn it requires 60 confirmations and takes up to an hour. Why is that? Is it more secure or…
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There will be a next bear market.

I've seen a lot of people here simply thinking that "THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT", and that we won't have another bear market. Or if we are going to have another bear market, it isn't going to be like the previous ones. Well, let's dissect this… "THIS TIME IS DIFFERENT": yes, you are right, this time…
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Introducing useDApp – framework for rapid DApp development

submitted by /u/ethmarek [link] [comments]

Nifty News: Jack Dorsey sells genesis tweet for $2.9M, NFTs save wild pandas and more

Jack Dorsey raised $2.9 million for charity selling a tweet, NFTs are saving wild pandas, and John Cleese has sarcastically cashed in on the tokenization craze.

Any way to import my Android Wallet to the desktop wallet?

Have you guys figured out how to move from the android wallet to pc? I want to move it cause i can no longer access my wallet due to the app crashing and i do still have my paper key submitted by /u/Blood_Quake [link] [comments]

Ethereum as Ownership

I am wanting to create something but I am not sure if Ethereum is the right tool for the job. I want to give people voting rights on a centralized website. These voting rights are to be controlled by the number of "shares" you have in the website/idea. In order to vote, you will need…
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