Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Daily Discussion – March 26, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read…
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Proposed Verkle tree scheme for Ethereum state

As Verkle tree development is progressing (see this doc on Verkle tries and this doc on state expiry and statelessness paths, one annoying but still necessary thing to agree on is exactly how the accounts, code and storage will be stored in the state. The current Ethereum protocol does not do a very good job…
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My article “The Dapp Experience of Ethereum vs. VeChain”

Hey fellow Ethereans, I'm not sure if my first post went through so I'm retrying… I'm really happy and excited to release my article: "The Dapp Experience of Ethereum vs. VeChain". I'm an active dapp user on both platforms and I fully support both projects. Often I'll switch from an ETH dapp to a dapp…
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Zeitgeist Brings a Prediction Markets Ecosystem to Polkadot’s Kusama

To capitalize on the growing popularity of blockchain trends like decentralized finance (defi), Zeitgeist will be rolling out a new native prediction platform for Polkadot to expand the scope of opportunities available for retail crypto investors. New Network to Build on Substrate and Launch Exclusively on Kusama Long before Satoshi Nakamoto unveiled the Bitcoin whitepaper […]

Why do so many die hard bitcoiners view ETH as a “shitcoin” ?

submitted by /u/hiholezgo [link] [comments]

Ethereum’s Transition Could Be Months Not Years, Away

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

Ethereum ERC-721 Contracts Surge Amid NFT Boom

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

The reddit mobile app let me pay 1000 moons for premium membership without showing me that there was a $5 PayPal option on desktop.

I just saw on another post that the subreddit membership is only $5 via PayPal yet this was never shown when I went to pay. I'm so pissed about this. Why would the option not come up when you come to pay. When I bought membership the price of moons was about $0.09 so that…
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Ethereum-based Compound gives presentation on Defi to Federal Reserve

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

New Zealand retirement fund reportedly allocates 5% to Bitcoin

Institutional uptake of BTC is on the rise. KiwiSaver of New Zealand appears to have built up exposure to Bitcoin in October 2020.