Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Crypto miner astonished that Nvidia RTX 3080 “plays games, too”

submitted by /u/pito_grande2 [link] [comments]

EthereumJS VM v5.3.0 with Access List generation and new Block Builder API

submitted by /u/HolgerD77 [link] [comments]

April greater fools: Apes pile into ‘joke’ hat voucher Unisock clone

Hat voucher tokens are now going for as much as $3,700 in a joke sale that got out of hand

Morgan Stanley adds Bitcoin exposure to 12 investment funds

Bitcoin exposure has been added to the end of “Other Securities and Investment Strategies” sections for a dozen investment funds.

How Litecoin went on a rally after fake rebranding to Bitcoin Lite

Aprils Fools was almost over, but there was still a joke in store in the crypto space. Litecoin creator Charlie Lee made a fake announcement via Twitter claiming that Litecoin would be rebranded to BitcoinLite, “as Satoshi Nakamoto intended.” Lee posted a version of Bitcoin’s whitepaper highlighting the letters LITE and a link to Litecoin […]

A new era of content monetization? Blockchain tech can get you paid

Current content monetization systems are seen as broken, but some blockchain solutions claim to hold the key to solving their issues.

ESP March Grantee Roundup

submitted by /u/ef_esp [link] [comments]

Friend of mine gave me his RX580 4GB for my B-Day!

submitted by /u/TheSlowestST [link] [comments]

RVC Happenings

What is the latest on RVC? It's listed on submitted by /u/nancymoral [link] [comments]

US Judge Dismisses Antitrust Case Accusing Bitmain, Kraken, and BCH Devs of Manipulation

A U.S. court in Miami has dismissed an amended complaint in the lawsuit that accused nine defendants including Kraken founder Jesse Powell, founder Roger Ver, Bitmain’s Jihan Wu, and a few open-source Bitcoin Cash developers of collusion. U.S. Magistrate Judge Chris McAliley dismissed the amended complaint under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure on March […]