Raven trading volume way up last couple days
submitted by /u/DronedIT [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/DronedIT [link] [comments]
When I first learned of blockchain technology of course it was easy to see that cryptocurrency was the most straightforward use case because by that time Bitcoin had already proved itself out and there were many others trying to improve on the path BTC carved out. While it was easy to see the value of…
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Larry Fink said he hadn’t been seeing great institutional demand for crypto within Blackrock’s circles.
Whats going on with Ethereum after Berlin Hard Fork? I saw some posts about some errors, but i dont understand what doest it mean in "realit usage". Thank you. submitted by /u/1711198430497251 [link] [comments]
So I've been mining casually the past week and got about 40 raven coin paid out. The first 10 made it into my raven core wallet and the last 30 which is 3 payments of 10 because I hadn't upped the payout amount, will not be recieved. It says the wallet is being syncing headers.…
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NFTs are not an immediate solution to all IP rights issues, but eventually they can give creators more power than they ever had.
I haven't received my money in my coinbase, how long does it take from metamask to coinbase? https://etherscan.io/tx/0x40c6491c57854c40ba56aead2e9c5e382428c2fc2c877fc91569b03a00caeb85 submitted by /u/davidgersch [link] [comments]
Ok, so I bought just over 1 ether when it was around the £1000 mark. Now should I sell the 0.025% now as a "nice little bonus" and keep the 1 ether? Or should I just leave it all ride? submitted by /u/pikey246 [link] [comments]
Hi everyone! New to the Ravencoin community and hoping to learn abit more about the mining side. Right now I mine using my 3070 and nicehash. I was wondering what the main mining platforms for ravencoin are and any other helpful tips to get started. submitted by /u/Psilocybinsnack [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/sasha_sh [link] [comments]