Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Understanding how EIP 1559, Eth2 and L2 Scaling affects ETH tokenomics + demand

submitted by /u/jaquezmun [link] [comments]

Spreading the Ravencoin word

Hello everyone, I hope you're doing good! I wanted to help spread the word of Ravencoin, doing this using stickers! 500 to be exact! I've created a QR code that directs the user to a link tree, which displays the Ravencoin website, Instagram, and Wikipedia. In hindsight, I would have changed the design…
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Bitcoin Hash Rate Goes On Death Spiral Post China’s Crackdown On Miners

The great Bitcoin miners migration is well underway. And the network’s total hash rate is showing it in a big way. Currently, the number of terahashes per second is at its lowest level in the last twelve months. That means that mining Bitcoin has not been easier in a whole year. Also, there’s less competition. […]

Report: Nigerian NFT Artists Thrive Despite Bubble Fears and Ongoing Central Bank Anti-Crypto Restrictions

Nigerian artists are now increasing their net worth by leveraging the art world’s lucrative pivot to non-fungible tokens (NFT). According to reports, this move to NFTs is happening despite the Nigerian central bank’s renewed anti-crypto stance. NFT Bubble Concerns As a recent CNN report explains, growing interest in NFTs from Nigerian artists comes alongside warnings […]

Crypto businesses struggling to fill job openings amid industry expansion

Crypto firms pursuing global expansion agendas are having to compete to attract the limited number of top talent to fill job positions.

XRP price will fall to new lows vs. Bitcoin if this famous chart pattern plays out

XRP price bulls watch out! The popular Head and Shoulder pattern is statistically among the most accurate trend indicators.

Better, faster, cheaper: How DeFi will kill the retail bank

The battle for global consumer deposits is going to be the fight of the century. But to vanquish old-fashioned banks, the DeFi sector needs to up its game.

Has there ever been a short dress attack?

Hey there, currently I am trying to get a bit into safety of DeFi. I currently try to get to understand the short dress attack. And finally I am wondering if there has ever been a exploit of this bug or if its just a vulnerability which hasn't been exploited yet. ​ Thanks in advance,…
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I made a post about the scam OpisHub yesterday. The scammers didn’t like that and bought downvotes to make my post invisible. So this is an even more detailed post about them.

Yesterday I made a post about OpisHub. It's still up, but the main point was that they approached me to shill their shitcoin for money and that they are really shady, it has many red flags and very much looks like a scam. Then one of the scammers (Scammer 2) sent me a message that…
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SEC inquiry regarding Robinhood’s crypto business reportedly delays IPO

Robinhood had initially hoped to begin its public offering after American investors returned from the July 4 holidays.