Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Do you want crypto to be regulated ?

Do you see the future of crypto as regulated and following all government laws? View Poll submitted by /u/fredcrs [link] [comments]

Economics of proof of stake

Recently started getting into Bitcoin. Now I want to understand Ethereum as well. In pos the new coins will be issued for people who already owns and stake Ethereum . Isn’t this similar to rich getting richer scheme? Some people may tell me that in case of proof of work, you still need up front…
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Jobchain Optimizes Job Search and Salary Payment With Cryptocurrency

Famous Spain-based project Jobchain has developed an intuitive blockchain solution that allows employers to search for talents and pay employees with cryptocurrency, thus saving valuable time. And some of the major enterprises have already experienced the practice’s benefits in real-world scenarios. The Goal of Jobchain There is nothing more appealing to crypto proponents than accessing […]

Eth vs Eth 2.0

I’m still pretty new to eth so maybe someone already asked this. I was checking Coinbase and it showed eth and eth 2.0 listed next to each other with different prices, although only different by a couple cents. I thought I wouldn’t have to buy eth 2.0 if I already had regular eth is that…
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Student-led group sells NFTs of Trump tweets for charity

submitted by /u/OkeepTooth [link] [comments]

Developing a balanced perspective on Ethereum (and I guess crypto in general) – trying to separate out greed, ideology, value, hype and FOMO

To be up-front, what got me interested in crypto was that a lot of "mainstream" podcasts that I listen to have been covering NFTs, Bitcoin. I have been vaguely aware of Bitcoin's peaks and valleys over the years, but I'll be up-front and admit that I basically dismissed it all. What really made me re-think…
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Mass adoption looms as South America's second-largest company accepts crypto payments

Mercado Libre’s move to accept cryptocurrency payments for real estate could usher in a new way of crypto mass adoption in South America.

Nothing but invalid shares on Flypool? Anyone have any ideas wtf is going on?

submitted by /u/c0horst [link] [comments]

How to transfer coin from rinkeby network to eth mainnet?

submitted by /u/Bradfordx [link] [comments]

Canaan to Sell $93 Million in Next-Generation Bitcoin Miners to Genesis Digital Assets

The ASIC bitcoin mining rig manufacturer and chipmaker, Canaan has announced the company has signed a $93.63 million purchase order with the mining firm Genesis Digital Assets. Genesis will be acquiring Canaan’s A1246 Avalonminer rigs that produce 90 terahash per second (TH/s) and deliveries will be shipping during the second half of 2021. Canaan and […]