Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Eth vs Eth 2.0

I’m still pretty new to eth so maybe someone already asked this. I was checking Coinbase and it showed eth and eth 2.0 listed next to each other with different prices, although only different by a couple cents. I thought I wouldn’t have to buy eth 2.0 if I already had regular eth is that…
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Student-led group sells NFTs of Trump tweets for charity

submitted by /u/OkeepTooth [link] [comments]

Developing a balanced perspective on Ethereum (and I guess crypto in general) – trying to separate out greed, ideology, value, hype and FOMO

To be up-front, what got me interested in crypto was that a lot of "mainstream" podcasts that I listen to have been covering NFTs, Bitcoin. I have been vaguely aware of Bitcoin's peaks and valleys over the years, but I'll be up-front and admit that I basically dismissed it all. What really made me re-think…
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Mass adoption looms as South America's second-largest company accepts crypto payments

Mercado Libre’s move to accept cryptocurrency payments for real estate could usher in a new way of crypto mass adoption in South America.

Nothing but invalid shares on Flypool? Anyone have any ideas wtf is going on?

submitted by /u/c0horst [link] [comments]

How to transfer coin from rinkeby network to eth mainnet?

submitted by /u/Bradfordx [link] [comments]

Canaan to Sell $93 Million in Next-Generation Bitcoin Miners to Genesis Digital Assets

The ASIC bitcoin mining rig manufacturer and chipmaker, Canaan has announced the company has signed a $93.63 million purchase order with the mining firm Genesis Digital Assets. Genesis will be acquiring Canaan’s A1246 Avalonminer rigs that produce 90 terahash per second (TH/s) and deliveries will be shipping during the second half of 2021. Canaan and […]

‘Semi-fungible token’ project launches on Binance Smart Chain

MocktailSwap is reportedly the first ERC-1155 standard token to launch on Binance Smart Chain.

DD: No, Germany did not (yet) pass a new law that would allow thousands of institutional investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency.

There are a few posts flirting with the frontpage claiming that "Germany has passed a new law that would allow thousands of institutional investment funds to invest in cryptocurrency". This is wrong. ​ I had to dig around a little bit to find an updated and clear source, not to mention find the law itself.…
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Tutorial for ethereum merge testnet implementation from Nethermind

submitted by /u/vbuterin [link] [comments]