Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Can an ERC20 token have the following uses?

Can a simple token deployed on the Main Net have the following uses: pay for goods and services transfer money internationally. Much like western Union or money gram have it’s own application where the token can be traded and kept in a wallet. submitted by /u/tarotquestion_ [link] [comments]

Alibaba Rumored To Have Bought $20 Billion In Bitcoin

submitted by /u/SweetPie123 [link] [comments]

What are the benefits of mining rvn

I am new to the crypto world and looking to get into mining. I’ve been going around in circles because it seems like mining eth is much more profitable on the same card. Are there any benefits of mining rvn other than it’s cheaper to get started. I’m looking to start out with just one…
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A South African NFT Marketplace Officially Launches After Trial Phase Nets Over $10,000 for Rugby Star Bryan Habana

A South African non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace, Momint has officially launched following the end of the two-week trial phase which saw the artwork of former rugby player Bryan Habana fetch over $10,000. More than 800 people from 25 countries took part in the auction. The Momint marketplace, which has been developed as a social media […]

How to find buyers for ERC20 tokens?

⚠ n00b alert ⚠ I see some tokens that have 0$ value and not listed on any exchange, and still being traded. How are these people finding each other and trading? Is there any way to put ERC20 tokens up for sale and see if anyone is willing to buy? For example: Also, they…
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Will crypto and blockchain shape the future of finance? Experts answer

Here’s what crypto and blockchain experts from China think about the role of emerging technologies in the future of finance.

Raven is on the top gainers list for

submitted by /u/ThrowRA7757 [link] [comments]

Is Ethereum going to hit $1m in a few years as it takes over the global economy?

submitted by /u/nodeocracy [link] [comments]

Hey Guys! New to mining RVN (Have been HODL for a few months now though) and had some questions!

I'm currently mining on 2miners using trex with a 2080ti. It's reporting around 31-35 MH/s. GPU Temp is around 65-70 and the Memory temp is around 90 (what a large disparity!) My OC settings are: Main question is, is this about what I can be expecting performance wise with my setup? Should I look…
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