Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Hello! 👋

New to mining raven coin, just wondering if anyone knows if I can transfer my raven coin from raven core wallet to wallet or meta mask as those are the ones I mainly use. Thanks in advance ! submitted by /u/WonderfulChaos [link] [comments]

am i mining?

im trying to mine rn and it says the speed and new job every so often, does that mean its mining? no successful yet, but is it going to work? submitted by /u/_random_weeb [link] [comments]

Somebody just paid $1.3 million for a picture of a rock

submitted by /u/Burnsivxx [link] [comments]

They Laughed at Michael Saylor for Buying Bitcoin at $37,000 – Where are They now?

"That's pretty bearish that you already bought all that Bitcoin and the price kept dropping anyway." "how to lose 6.5 million in a day…." "This guy sucks at buying lmao" "37? HAHAHAH if you waited a day you could’ve gotten it 5k cheaper" "Lol wtf you bought at 37k and now we at 32k how…
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why do shares get rejected? I wondered why I hadn’t received anything for 24hrs

submitted by /u/enblightened [link] [comments]

Daily Discussion – August 24, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could…
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Bankers issue ‘seismic’ warning: BTC, ETH and others could replace dollar in just 5 years

submitted by /u/Advanced_Blizz [link] [comments]

Top 3 Undervalued Cryptos: XLM, Nano, Monero

XLM is efficient, makes more transactions a day than Bitcoin or Ethereum and is used widely to move funds at an extremely low transaction cost in a matter of seconds. Also has smart contracts and NFTs. Nano is also very efficient, has an innovative voting system, can move funds for free nearly instantly and has…
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Added fan on top to keep things cooler. Overkill air flow for max OC proficiency 💪🏼🤝

submitted by /u/Internal-Painting-48 [link] [comments]