Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Is Acer Nitro 5, i5, RTX 3060 good for mine Ravencoin?

So I need a laptop and thinking about getting Acer Nitro 5, i5, RTX 3060. I want to mine either ZEN (Horizon), RavenCoin, or Enjin, Doge. Do you think that's a good idea? I am mainly worried about electricity consumption and batteries. submitted by /u/meanderwander [link] [comments]

Which CRYPTOCURRENCY that has so far been dormant is going to be the next to EXPLODE in price?

I'm curious as to all of your opinions on which currently dormant Cryptocurrency will be the next potential big thing in the Crypto world, and more importantly, why? Some questions I have are: Is there a Crypto you think has the single best chance to be the most useful as a CURRENCY, rather than just…
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Where did I send it?

I was looking through my Coinbase transactions from a while back because I thought I remembered storing away some Ethereum somewhere about 4 years ago. I was is a car accident around that time and had a pretty bad concussion, I have no recollection as to where this wallet(?) is. I have the public address…
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Publicly-backed XREX raises $17M to solve dollar liquidity issues through blockchain

Blockchain technology is being posited as a potential solution to U.S. dollar liquidity issues in emerging markets.

Some ways to earn some free crypto.

I guess we can all agree that free crypto is the best crypto. Everyone could use some, for newbies to learn more about how crypto works and for veterans to broaden their knowledge. Here's a list with some ways to get some: Brave Browser for BAT. PreSearch Browser for PRE. Coinbase Earn for different sorts.…
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Why DeFi Is More Than A Ponzi Scam

General Conclusion Some people claim that DeFi is a scam ponzi because there are a lot of pumps and dumps. Everything on Twitter is shilling all kinds of different projects. Now there are a lot of risks involved, and the projects are not fully audited. So a lot of people are wondering this is a…
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Evidence That Bitcoin will hit $100,000 and ETH will hit $10,000 by the end of the year

Let me guess you clicked the post, because you wanted some of that sweet hopium confirmation bias right? This is just a friendly reminder that articles with headlines like this are not trying to provide you accurate information, they are trying to generate clicks because it gets them ad revenue. Just go to any major…
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George Gilder: A man who successfully predicted the decline of television and the rise of the internet and smartphones, now predicts that crypto will take over the world.

For those who don't know about him, I would like to introduce you all to George Gilder, a person I think doesn't get enough attention in crypto circles. This guy is the OG tech prophet. He has written many books over the decades that have shaped economic policy both in the US and abroad, notably…
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What would be the implications of ETH becoming a security?

I just saw this post about VanEck and ProShares dropping their ETF applications and now there's speculation that it may be because they suspect ETH will be deemed a security. If ETH is deemed a security what are the implications of that? Does anything actually change? Can't an ETF be made even if it's a…
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Daily Discussion – August 23, 2021 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could…
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