Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Today was sad day for my holds

I did have to sell all my 15000 rvn coins what i been mining for ages 1080ti, because i did just lost my job. I did want hold atleast 2022 but my dream is dead, i know rvn is gonna be huge in 2022 but my holds are gone. Keep your coins if you can!!…
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Elon Musk and Mark Cuban are shilling Doge to hijack crypto and turn it into PayPal. We have to reject this billionaire invasion of crypto

Elon Musk's goal with every project he ever got into was to hijack it and say he founded it. He got kicked out of PayPal trying to hijack it. He's still mad about that. He hijacked Tesla and said he founded it. He's trying to hijack crypto using Doge. Remember he said exchanges can be…
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Impact of eth miners moving to other chains with all their hardware after the merge.

After the merge, all the miners currently mining for eth with their specialised hw can't just sell those devices, and even if they do, the buyers will only be able to use them for mining, so what will happen exactly to the chains on they move? submitted by /u/Vivid_Tamper [link] [comments]

Can we mine RVN with a Thread Ripper?

Not super new to mining, about 6 months in. Not as long as you folks I know, but ive been running straight gpu rig and want to add a thread ripper. I've seen them hit 40k hash and that's a gamble worth taking for me. But only if it's possible to mine for RVN or…
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I don’t think it takes a genius to realize ETH 2.0 merge needs a firm date

Competition is healthy but if we don't have a solid merge date then the competition will take real market share. Yes Eth has a moat at the moment but with all the competitors coming at Eth that moat needs to be fortified with a launch date. Losing good projects and prospective ones to other chains…
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Prioritizing humanity ahead of profits through NFTs

Blockchain provides an opportunity to realign the economics of our global system from a profit-driven to a values-driven ecosystem.

[Discussion] How will ethereum thrive if Google, Microsoft or Amazon created their own cryptocurrency using a decentralized network?

Ethereum network is thriving and a lot of its "demand" come from its decentralized network where people can create decentralized apps leveraging ethereum's network. Q: If in case the big three (Google, Microsoft or Amazon) invested on creating their decentralized network and create their own cryptocurrency – how would it affect ethereum in particular in…
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Can someone loop the mainnet given enough trial accidental hash collision

I know probability of hash collision is almost impossible. But here the hypothetical, if one miner continued to try for this achievement. Wouldn't it be beautiful. It won't have any major impact except just the news, and probably some old verifiers might loop indefinitely. submitted by /u/Vivid_Tamper [link] [comments]

Rx470 4g Flash question

So I was having an error initially with the ativbwinflash, when I hit program it would say something like, error vti card not found something like that, I fixed that by uninstalling the program with the uninstall tool that came with it, and then running the install process as administrator, then running atiwinflash.exe in administrator…
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