Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

L2 vs Optimism vs Rollups? Help!

Hello, end user here. Not a developer or miner. So I’m familiar with EIP 1559 (July) and ETH 2.0 (ASAP). However, I’ve been reading a lot about Layer-2, Optimism and/or Rollups and can’t wrap my head around the purpose/impact. I really want to understand: (1) what’s the difference between these 3 (e.g. impact on fees…
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Nano response to recent spam attacks and update on network

submitted by /u/ecnenimi [link] [comments]

submitted by /u/whymenottoday [link] [comments]

What’s New in Eth2 — March 13 Edition

submitted by /u/twigwam [link] [comments]

Messari CEO thinks a fresh wave of crypto regulation could be imminent

After nearly a decade of progress since Bitcoin’s inception, regulators could be gearing up for further action, given the industry’s recent growth.

Two questions about NFTs, please help me understand?

I've been reading about NFTs and I think I got a basic understanding. But there's two things I can't wrap my head around. What exactly ties an NFT to what it's for? Like, if it's for a digital image, is the image file included in the NFT? Or does the NFT only have a url…
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How much do you really have to spend in gas fees?

I’m trying to transfer some ethereum to binance and the gas fees are crazy high so I’m wondering how much gas you actually need to transfer it. submitted by /u/methebestpizza [link] [comments]

The “Fuck Elon Musk” post on the front page is now being sold as NFT

submitted by /u/ehilliux [link] [comments]

$ETH is Ultra Sound Money. Pass it on.

submitted by /u/BanklessHQ [link] [comments]