Category: Cryptocurrency News

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

If you hold Ethereum, you should be rooting for SHIB. Here’s Why

Fourth try to post this. The reason Ether holders should be thrilled that SHIB has high trading volume is that SHIB is built on Ethereum as an ERC-20 token. Since August, Ethereum devs implemented EIP-1559 which introduced the "burn" mechanism for Ethereum. In a nutshell, every time Ethereum processes a transaction, a part of the…
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I made a “how to get the crypto money out” template for family members who lose a loved one

Hi all, I have crypto stored in multiple wallets and exchanges all over the place. In the unlikely event that I die, I still want my family to have access to my funds. Unfortunately, my kids are still very young and nobody else in the family has the slightest idea how to operate in the…
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Happy new ATH!

submitted by /u/bettyhouseplants [link] [comments]

Fine. I’ll say it. Millenials, GenX. If we start charging set values of crypto for goods and services. We can reclaim what the Boomers and Silent generation stole from us. They took our money. THEY RETIRED at 55. Get real. Time to reclaim it.

They retired as early as 55. Many at 62. While I'll be working till I'm dead. And I've done all I can to prevent that. College, job at 50k out of school. I still won't get there. I didn't need my degree to understand that. Social security is theft at this point. Demand your paycheck…
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Send USDC with less gas fees?

So I made the mistake of sending a large sum of USDC to coinbase wallet. I decided hey it was a good payday so lets just gamble on some shitcoin and see what happens in a year or two. Being stuck in NY, coinbase is my only real exchange available. So I sent some USDC…
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My portfolio has hit its ath and I don’t know what to do

I don’t have a huge portfolio by any means , but it’s recently hit its most prob green zone. I have been slowly adding to it over the last 2 years in a very modest way, I took some small profits to pay some bills ; but I have mostly held . I’m not sure…
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Simple open source ethereum projects (repositories) to learn from?

I have been learning solidity lately, but besides the basics I would like to read some repositories code to learn from. I noticed a bunch of projects on GitHub but most of them are monsters (MetaMask for example). Is there any small or beginner friendly project to learn from? submitted by /u/aeum3893 [link]…
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Don’t cry that you missed out, don’t make the same mistake next time.

I want to encourage everyone here that feel like they missed out on life changing money to not fret. You have a golden opportunity because I firmly believe we're early. This was my first cycle, but here's a few things I instantly picked up. The talk around defi and related projects started happening in mid…
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Trick or Treat? No, thanks! Crypto for me!

submitted by /u/ArdoKanon [link] [comments]