What is the funniest lie about crypto have you heard? What is the most common lie about crypto have you heard?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

What is the funniest lie about crypto have you heard? What is the most common lie about crypto have you heard?

So most all of us have heard lies about crypto for some time now. This being that it is illegal, that the gov will make it illegal any day now, that it will replace the $, and so on.

What is the funniest lie have you heard about crypto?

What is the most common lie you heard about crypto?

  • For me, the most funny lie I heard about crypto is crypto is stored in someone USB drive, computer, or whatever.

Truth is, the crypto is on the blockchain. If you have something like a hardware wallet. As long as you have the seed phrase, you can get access to the crypto even with the old physical device shot in the sun. What is on the hard drive, USB, or whatever is just an access key to the crypto which is on the blockchain. But it doesn't hold any crypto on it.

  • The most common lie I heard has to be that only criminals deal with crypto, and crypto is used heavily in criminal activity.

The truth is, most crypto uses a public ledger which makes it flat out impossible to hide transactions. This has been used to go after some idiot criminals. Note: it isn't nothing new even high end criminals to be stupid with new tech. The Mafia back in the day thought text messages were safe, and they were say whatever stupid illegal crap in text. Obviously, when this was used in court they found out text messages aren't safe to talk about your illegal plans.

submitted by /u/crua9
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