If you failed to take some profits during bull runs, set up your sell orders in advance, preferably during bear markets.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

If you failed to take some profits during bull runs, set up your sell orders in advance, preferably during bear markets.

Recently, a discussion was held here on what people's biggest regret in crypto was. The number one regret was not taking profits during a bull run. So most people realized that taking at least a tiny bit of profit would be very beneficial. This would leave them some money to invest in some other assets, keep in cash to buy more crypto during an economic down period, or stake their (B)USD(C/T) somewhere.

However, what will happen to most of us in reality?

At this moment, we look at our portfolios and contemplate what will be a good price to e.g., sell of 10% of our assets.

If ETH goes back to $3500, I double my current portfolio value. I would surely be willing to swap a portion of my ETH for USD when it reaches that price!

Fast forward to somewhere in the future, maybe this year, maybe next, who knows. ETH reaches $3300, up 10% in the last 3 days, and things look bright. Surely, $3500 was the price to take a profit, but in comes the friend we all know, Greed. Our friend tells us that, especially since ETH is up 10% in the last few days, we could see another leg up, and why should it not reach the all-time high again since we are closing in?

Let's just wait a bit, and sell 10% when it reaches $4000, one more pump!

A week after, prices did not go to $4000, but back to $2700. Taking profits now would not even be worth it right? Let's wait until it hits $4000 again.

Do not only think about taking profits during the next bull run, but place them in advance. Religiously sticking to your plan is not always the most optimal solution, but you won't regret not taking any profits.

To clarify: this does NOT mean you needlessly need to hold your coins on an exchange, waiting. Setting up a plan is also possible when you are outside the exchange. Write your plan on a wall or set up an alarm!

submitted by /u/delplaya8000
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