Ravencoin is undervalued by only -39,100% compared to BTC today.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Ravencoin is undervalued by only -39,100% compared to BTC today.

Assume the total coins in circulation of RVN coin is the same as BTC at 91% (also assume that they both have the same halving and difficulty for now) .. At 40,000 for 1 Bitcoin this makes the price of Ravencoin $40 as per the Total Supply. (1BTC=1000RVN)

Let's reduce the supply, difficulty, mining by 50% (current RVN in circulation) and this will put Ravencoin at 20$. So if we take the price of Ravencoin as of March 19 2022 @ 0.051 and evaluate the change this will give you a negative (39,116)%

If Ravencoin was forked exactly when Bitcoin was created, then RVN is undervalued by exactly (79,900)%

But buying Ravencoin at 0.051 is expensive, so I'll just wait to by it at 20$. For now I will open a short position with TP target at 0, because it's safe to do so.


submitted by /u/Cultural_Traffic_321
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