Help me understand Mining Difficulty & network difficulty a bit better?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Help me understand Mining Difficulty & network difficulty a bit better?

I think I have the gist of the whole math involved in mining and difficulty.

Correct me if I am wrong.

A Lower difficulty means that it wont take as much computational power to figure out the "code" to unlock a block. Therein lies my issue.

For example right now lets say the Current RVN Difficult is 50k. if I start mining solo and opt for a "lower difficulty" for example 2G Mining a 50k network difficulty.

Basically the difficulty is the "length" of the hash needed to solve a block, right? and if so, if I am mining at a low difficulty or "short hash" "code" then why even mine at a low difficulty? for example if i set my mining difficulty to 1-2G and i submit a valid solo share every 30 seconds, it is only submitting a "short" hash? and if so, then it would never submit an actual solving hash for the block? I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around network difficulty, Mining hash rate and what Mining Difficulty I am currently mining.

If i set my miner to really high difficulty like 36G does that mean I will be sending more "accurate" hashes for solving the block, versus a lower difficulty?

I understand it also has a lot to do with network speed and submitting shares often etc, but what is actually packaged in a share and does the server compile all the shares you submit to it into a final full hash?

ALSO when my rig receives info from server, does each GPU try to solve it individually or do they work together to solve it?

Sorry if I am asking a lot. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ChiggenTendys
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