Anybody else experiencing severe fomo over ETH at the moment?

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Anybody else experiencing severe fomo over ETH at the moment?

I’ve put off purchasing ETH this month due to to the seemingly never ending ATHs. Followed the advice here and invested into dips instead and now everything I’m holding is red (mostly Bitcoin and solana).

The temptation to sell at a loss and move everything to ETH is overwhelming, but goes against everything I’ve learned. I haven’t been able to sleep because of this.

Some reassurance or advice from you diamond handed OGs would really help me right now.

Edit: I chose my words poorly and didn’t mean to imply that I got bad advice from this sub. It was just solid fundamentals that you’d see anywhere else and I believe in them. Just trying not to become a paper hands. Thanks so much for the support.

submitted by /u/Skagnor_Bognis
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