Can we all take a moment and give glory to the r/Cryptocurrency Mods who have grinded through the explosive growth of this subreddit so you can get free moons just for contributing and learning? Thank you.

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Can we all take a moment and give glory to the r/Cryptocurrency Mods who have grinded through the explosive growth of this subreddit so you can get free moons just for contributing and learning? Thank you.

Hands down, r/Cryptocurrency is the best subbredit on this entire site. Hell, even the automod has my love. I can’t wait to see what this community is going to look like in 1 year, 5 years, and 10+ years. Keep doing a great job. They once said the sky was the limit, but we landed on the damn moon.

submitted by /u/chrisnsalem
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