Looking for some private feedback on an Ethereum side-project I’ve been working on to see if it’s worth deploying on the mainnet

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Looking for some private feedback on an Ethereum side-project I’ve been working on to see if it’s worth deploying on the mainnet

All the hype around NFTs motivated me to work on a side-project the last few weekends to learn more about Ethereum and NFTs. I've put quite a lot of work into this and kind of want to actually release it on the mainnet, but it's honestly not cheap to deploy a smart contract. So, before I do that I thought it would be useful to see if there's anything valuable in this project or not.

Anyone willing to click around on my project, maybe test the functionality a little on the Rinkeby network, and tell me if you think it adds something interesting to the world?

(If you truly believe in NFTs, I'll offer a warning that you might hate this project).

DM me if you're willing and nice and I'll share a link; I'm not quite ready for it to be posted publicly yet.

(Also, I know of at least one major bug in the smart contract–I'm working through that)

submitted by /u/Pagedpuddle65
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