Let’s help our Ethereum community members! You can support just by reading the post

Cryptocurrency News and Public Mining Pools

Let’s help our Ethereum community members! You can support just by reading the post

In the rcryptocurrency subreddit with about two million members, anyone who talks about the advantages of using Ethereum and smart contracts gets downvoted, snobbed, and attacked by bitcoin army.

Every newbie that joins the cryptocurrency world goes directly to that subreddit as it's the easiest by name. Every newbie gets influenced to invest only in bitcoin for most of his portafolio. Treating it like gold even though it's really outdated.

So in this post my aim is to change the bitcoin dominance in the cryptocurrency and ensure that all our community here can access the most famous subreddit for cryptocurrency and defend our beloved Ethereum with facts not by shilling it. We can help each other by upvoting our comments here, because rcryptocurrency subreddit has comment karma points requirements otherwise member cannot comment nor post! (Being invisible)

Let's do it! together we cannnnn!!!

Edit: Show your support to Ethereum by upvoting all comments below not my post!

submitted by /u/StudentForAllMyLife
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